Not Drunk
Marsha Foster

By Marsha Foster

I was driving to a meeting, counting my blessings, thankful that there weren’t any collisions along the way … then I saw this.

Avoiding Potholes

This bumper sticker struck me in several different ways. It actually spoke volumes to me, but I will keep the volumes to a minimum and try not to include the entire book in this post.

Volume #1: I was driving along, happy go lucky, as they say; then all of a sudden something so unexpected was staring me in the face. Such is life … everything can be going along as usual, then out of nowhere, something so unexpected gets up close and personal. We have to be sober-minded so that when these events happen, that they don’t shake us. The blind spots and blows of life can easily knock us off balance if we allow it, if we aren’t careful.

Volume #2: Question:  Are you the person going through life swerving, trying to avoid the potholes and pitfalls that have swallowed you up in times past? Are you ducking and diving so much that the people around you think that you are intoxicated or under the influence of something … staggering so much that you’re almost unrecognizable?

Volume #3:  or are you the person judging others and making assumptions based on what you think you see or what you think you know? Before looking down on someone for being drunk, are you sure that’s the situation? Are you sure they’re actually drunk? Does your judgmental attitude or action make others feel compelled to explain their every movement because you remember what they “used” to do or who they “used” to be?

Matthew 7:1-2 KJV 

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judgeye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you.

Life and people are so complex, yet so simple; similar to the most multi-faceted gem that seems so complex and ever changing depending on how you view it. If you take a gem and cut it in all of the possible angles, you may see different colors and its brilliance according to how the light hits it. That makes it both complex and simple at the same time. It is still that same stone, just different perspectives.

Lets just keep it simple. People are people. We all have different experiences that shape us and shine us. If we’re honest about it, we can admit that we have experienced things and experimented with things that we’d rather leave in the past. We wouldn’t want people viewing us through our past. We all want a chance to be seen in the best possible light. But if people are always making judgments based on our past mistakes, where we grew up, or just who they think we are, they miss the opportunity to see the great person we are today. Now let’s look at the flip side of that. What if we are constantly judging ourselves based on our past or what someone thought we would do or could not do? Every time we get close to advancing to the next phase of our lives, we stop short because we don’t think we can achieve anything simply because it seems so much easier to quit. That way the pain of quitting is easier than the pain of rejection. Truthfully, quitting can actually be more painful than rejection. If you don’t quit, if you stay the course (your course) you may actually make progress and believe it or not, you may actually reach your goal or desired destination. So what does it really matter if someone rejects you? That is a sign of their limited ability to see the big picture, the picture that has you in it. You just keep trying, you’re in control of your actions only.

We must stop driving recklessly through life. Sober up so that we can make decisions with clarity, decisions not clouded by doubt and the lack of faith.

Think of it this way. God is multi-faceted because He is such a big God. There are so many sides of Him – love, grace, mercy, faithfulness, as well as a God of correction and order, and much more. He is all of this and scripture says He doesn’t change. You might ask how can that be? Well, if you realize that His entire personality and character are grounded and rooted in love, then you can choose to see His love in the midst of any situation especially if you choose to display His love in every situation.

Since we were created in God’s image, we have to allow people the grace to walk through their various situations and circumstances without judging them based on what we think we know. And when it comes to judging ourselves, we should remember that God already knew we’d do that thing or think that thought, but He chooses to still love us. Yes, the potholes and the pitfalls of life are there and they will always be there. But we miss living if we’re tiptoeing and swerving around. We don’t have to explain ourselves to anyone unless we just want to give insight. Try to be understanding of others. But first get to know yourself, the real you, the you that you were created to be.

Display God’s love so it is tangible when people need it most. Enjoy life. It is too short not to.

8 thoughts on “Not Drunk. Avoiding Potholes”

  1. I LOVE that “shape us and shine us.” I am capable of so many more things than I was 15 yrs ago. It’s important NOT to judge people, we don’t know the path they are on nor the path they’ve taken. It’s up to us to have compassion and offer empowering words to people wallowing where we USED to be. Nicely written!!

    1. Thank you Marisa for stopping by my blog today. You’re exactly right. None of us have arrived. We have to strive to reach our potential each and every day. Please visit again soon.

  2. Thanks for your post

    We must stop driving recklessly through life. Sober up so that we can make decisions with clarity, decisions not clouded by doubt and the lack of faith.

    like this point.
    like your thoughts as they stream on the page. i feel your passion and deep thoughts and life experience. the fruit of the spirit came to mine and how God loves is so forgiving, good, and full of grace. these were my thoughts as I read you. REMEMBERING THE WORDS. Judging is definitely one that I work very hard not to do in this present world and challenging times

    1. Hi Marcey, I’m glad you stopped by. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You’re exactly right about these challenging times. We have to remember that we’re in the world but not of the world. This allows us to rise above all of the background noise and be all that God created us to be. Please visit again soon.

  3. Wow, it’s amazing how something as simple as a bumper sticker can inspire such deep reflections. This was a powerful post. I was particularly moved by the question are you the one swerving to avoid potholes or judging others as they try to. Depending on the season, I think I can be both. Thanks for the encouragement to be more gracious to ourselves and those around us.

    1. Hi Kelissa, Thank you for your comments. You are absolutely correct. We can all be both at various times and I thank God for His grace and mercy toward us. Please stop by again soon.

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