If My People
Where to Start?

Find It In The Scriptures

people, three, portrait

Discover Your Connection With God and Build Confidence thru His Promises.

With all of the turmoil and confusion surrounding us in the world today, we look to God for direction and instructions on how to navigate through it all. I find peace in knowing that God desires for us to communicate with Him and trust Him even when we don’t understand any of it. The earth is in constant motion even when events in our lives sometimes suddenly stop us in our tracks. It is during those times when the only thing we have to hold on to is the fact that God loves us and wants the best for us. That connection can give us a confidence that is almost indescribable if we study the scriptures and become aware of His promises. 2 Chronicles 2:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves; and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

What Must We Do?

Pray~Seek God~Turn

girl, praying, hands
people of uganda, soul search, thinking
emotion, cry, faith
religious, hand, bokeh

Humility & Prayer

God directs us to humble ourselves and pray. Its important to note that He asks Us to do it. To humble is to lower (someone) in dignity or importance. As painful as it may be to humble ourselves, can you imagine how it would feel if God humbled us? I personally have to suck up my pride & check myself daily when interacting with others. As we take our eyes off of ourselves and talk to God (pray), we are better able to focus our prayers on things that affect us and the world at large.

Seek God's Face

If we pray with the mindset of desiring to see God's face, its unlikely that we'll be looking for His hands or a hand out. When we are in a relationship, we long to see that person's smile and hope that they are equally pleased to see us. During those interactions, we are not seeking gifts - we just want to be in their presence. That is what God is seeking here. He longs to be our God of relationship and communication - not Santa.

Turn From Sin

... and finally, turn from their wicked ways. Wicked is defined as evil or morally wrong, sinful, unpleasant, disagreeable, bad, etc. After we humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face and turn away from bad, we are actually turning back to God. We must be very deliberate in turning away from sin. There are countless opportunities on any given day to turn away from sin in actions, thought, and deeds/wrong doing. The more we pray and study the word of God, the more in tuned we are with the way we should live our lives.

What Will God Do?

God Hears, Forgives & Heals

We started this discussion talking about the turmoil and chaos in our world, our land. Next we discussed the directions from God to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways. After we do these things, the word of God says that HE/GOD will hear us from heaven, forgive our sins, and will heal our land. It sounds like it is time for us to put down our own agendas, pick up God's agenda, start caring about others, treating people respectfully, learn to love God and see people through the eyes of God, and turn away from sin. God in heaven will hear our prayers, He will forgive our sins, and He will heal our land. I believe our land is anything pertaining to us. Land is defined as 1) the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water ... and 2) a country. I also believe our land is the space we currently occupy, as well as the whole world. Between the time that I started writing this article a couple of days ago and now, my 11 year old granddaughter just so matter-of-factly said of the covid-19 (novel coronavirus) "You know it says in the Bible that we can pray and make this stuff go away ..." I found it quite interesting that as I was writing about this, she was thinking about the very same thing. So, if a child knows and believes this, then where is our childlike faith?
Marsha Foster
Marsha Foster
e-book Coming Soon!

If My People ...

If you would like to read more about God’s promises to His people, check back often for the new e-book. Join Marsha as she explores the scriptures to learn why it is important to trust God during the good times as well as the trying times.

8 thoughts on “If My People”

    1. Hi Melissa, Thanks for your support. Agreeing on the Word of God can bring great change. Think of what happened with Jesus’ disciples in the upper room when they were on one accord in Act 2. Please visit again soon.

    1. Thank you Tiffany and God bless you. Spending time with God and developing our relationship with Him allows us to develop better relationships with others. Please visit our blog again soon.

  1. I live child like faith too. We had a three year old pray in church and say “please bless that the covid will go away and stop making people sick”. It was the cutest!

    1. Hi Lisa, How precious! Now if the adults could also get on board, we’d all be better off. Please visit again soon. Thank you for your comment.

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