
Who Is Your Neighbor?

Many of us as kids remember watching Mr. Rogers dressed in his buttoned down shirt and tie along with a cardigan.  As he entered the house, he would sit and talk to us as he changed into his sneakers.  His famous question to us was “Won’t you be my neighbor?” in a sing-song kinda way.  All of his talk about the neighborhood seemed a little corny to some, but I loved it.  He was friendly and greeted everyone with a smile.  The mail man, the milk man, the kids … he seemed genuine and not judgmental.  He welcomed everyone into his world and was interested in the lessons they could teach us.

As you may be searching for a new place you’ll call home or maybe contemplating selling your current home, ask yourself the following questions: 1) What kind of neighbor am I? and 2) Who is my neighbor?

As Realtors, Anisha and I always suggest that our clients research the neighborhoods they’re considering.  That research should include:

  • casually driving thru at various times of day and night to get a feel for the type of activity in the area;
  • pay attention to landscaping and lawn care of the other properties (if that is important to you);
  • check the sex offender registry and the sheriff’s office (especially if you have kids)
  • notice if the neighbors are aware of your presence;

and although purchasing a home is usually a well thought out financial decision, it is still very much tied to your emotions.  Sooo … does it feel like home?  Do you get the warm fuzzies when you’re driving thru?

Now back to my earlier questions:          1) What kind of  neighbor am I? Am I like Mr. Rogers, greeting everyone with a smile and always eager to help my neighbors? Think about that as you’re driving through.  Are the neighbors and their kids out talking to one another and playing across everyone’s yards? Would that be a good fit for you on most days or at least some days or could you envision yourself driving faster than you should through the neighborhood in an attempt to hastily drive into your garage and close the door behind you with a sigh of relief?  and 2) Who is my neighbor?  Merriam-Webster’s definition of neighbor is a) one living or located near another; b) fellow man (Matthew 19:19 you should love your neighbor as yourself).

So, according to this definition, just like Mr. Rogers, everyone we come in contact with is our neighbor.  I’m certainly not suggesting we walk through life wearing rose-colored glasses.  But as we love and respect ourselves and our property (that’s “a whole nother” blog post), we should do the same for others.

So as we search for our new homes or continue to live in our current neighborhoods, lets be kind, courteous and respectful of each other.  This will make the world a better place as we make our own “little worlds” right where we live a better place.  And, wow! what a great example that will set for our kids.

Howdy neighbor! Have a great day.

6 thoughts on “Who Is Your Neighbor?”

  1. Now the Mr. Rogers song is playing through my mind! 🙂 Good thoughts, though. Be eager to help my neighbors. Greet them with a smile. Don’t wait on them–be proactive.

    1. Hi Ann, I found myself singing it in my head also. Thank you for your comments. Sounds like you got it. Thanks again and come back to visit soon.

  2. I love this! My family and I just moved and that was one topic as we looked for the perfect home. Our last home really lacked in the friendly, “ask for a cup of sugar” neighbor department. On one of our showings, a neighbor chatted up my husband and we knew right away it was perfect for us! You are so right, when you buy home, you are also really buying the lifestyle you will be around. Make sure it’s the one that aligns with you/your family’s life.

    1. Hi Lindsey, Thank you for stopping by. I am glad you can relate and that you found the right place to call home. Please visit us again.

  3. I really liked how you tied in Mr. Rogers, and some key things to think about when looking for a new home/neighborhood. Nice job!

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