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Makeover Plans For Living Room

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Old Living Room 2006
2006 Living Room

Not a lot has changed with our living room in about 14 years.  Yes, I said 14 years.  Of course, we’ve changed the flooring from carpet to hardwoods about 8 years ago, painted the walls a couple years ago, updated the ceiling fan from brass to something more current, switched out the wall art, sofa, side chairs, and coffee table.  Ok, I guess quite a few things have changed over the years; but its been a couple of years since we’ve made any major changes.  I am just ready for something different.  Our sectional sofa is about 11 years old.  I remember that because we purchased it right before our 11 year old granddaughter was born. It is still in great condition, but I am in need of more pops of color in my life right now. 


So, over the next few months, I will be in search of new living room furniture.  Based on what I’ve just told you, I’m sure you’ve surmised that this furniture has to be something that is built to last.  We keep our furniture like we keep our cars.  Well, I do anyway.  My husband may come home today with a new truck for all I know.  The living room furniture before our current sofa, we kept for 20 years in excellent condition.  My car I’ve had for almost 12 years, and proud of it.  My husband on the other hand has had 2 brand new trucks in less than 7 years. 

Living Room in Anticipation
Living Room in Anticipation

Here is my current living room waiting in anticipation for a much needed update

Follow me over the next several months as I search the world over to find what I am looking for.  Here’s something you’ll learn about me when it comes to furniture – I look and look and look some more until I find exactly what I am looking for.  That makes sense now that you know I may keep it for more than a decade.  Wow! That’s way too long.  But those are the facts.  With that being said, I cannot be too trendy or it will be out of style long before we are ready to change it out.  

I will probably keep my current wall art.  As of right now, all I know is that I want blue velvet side chairs and blue curtains.  So, please be on the lookout for me.  Did I mention that I am a bargain shopper?  Well, I like quality at a bargain prices if possible.

So, let the search begin. I will keep you posted.

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