God's mysteries revealed

Mysteries Revealed in Hebrews: Code 1-2-1-1-2-1
I have spent all week studying the first chapter of Hebrews in the Bible. Well actually, on Monday I read the entire chapter. On the days following, I got stuck on verses 1 through 3. I couldn’t get pass those verses. I have read them before, but this time they stopped me in my tracks. Mysteries revealed in Hebrews Chapter 1 do not end there. They are everywhere. For today, we will focus on these three verses.
They read as follows:
1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

My first questions was: What are sundry times and divers manners? According to Merriam Webster, sundry is defined as various and an indeterminate number; and divers also means various and an indefinite number.



The revelations I received from these scriptures is so much deeper than I can verbalize or even put on paper. But I will attempt to share what I learned.
So, while in various times in the past and in many different manners, God communicated with our forefathers through the prophets; in these days He has added another level of communication for us – Jesus and the Holy Spirit. These 3 verses talk about Jesus, so I’ll start with Him.
Here’s an analogy that just occurred to me. There was a time when if you weren’t in close proximity to the person that you needed to speak with, then your communication was limited to a letter delivered by courier (by horse and later by telegraph, train, etc.) That would have been the prophets showing up and speaking a Word from God or sending a letter or message by someone on horseback. But when the telephone and the television came on the scene, access became more easily accessible. The delivery was as if you were face to face. No misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the message or letter you received. At this point, you heard the words through the phone or you could see and hear the words spoken through the television screen. This would be Jesus in the flesh.
Also in verse 2, scripture says God has appointed Jesus as heir of all things and the worlds were made through Jesus. On Sunday, my pastor commented to the effect that Jesus is the reason the whole creation exists and we get to participate in this creation and the creativity that exists thanks to Jesus. When I read this verse for the umpteenth time, it clicked and reminded me that we are joint heirs with Jesus … and if God appointed Jesus as heir of all things, then we are joint heirs of ALL things. Not just some things, we are joint heirs of ALL things.
For the past several weeks, Pastor John has been teaching on the glory of God. The teachings have been phenomenal by the way. Based on what we’ve been learning and now reading in this verse that Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory and the express image of His person, its been difficult to contain my excitement. Thankfully, I have known for lonnnnnnng (long) time that Jesus is everything, but Jesus is really EVERYTHING. He is the heir of all things. He is the brightness of God’s glory. He is the express image of God’s person. HE IS EVERYTHING!!! If you’ll remember that Moses couldn’t look at God and the priests couldn’t stand in the temple because of God’s glory. And now getting the revelation that Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory and we have access to Him 24/7. No words right now.
Well, I actually do have a few more words lol.  There are more mysteries revealed in Hebrews. Don’t stop reading your Bible. You can be a Christian for your entire life and continue to get new revelation from the scriptures throughout. We just have to remain focused and have a desire to learn more about God who lives in us.
Verse 3 goes on to say that Jesus is “upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;” …
During this Christmas season when many are celebrating the birth of Jesus, let us remember that He purged our sins by giving up His life for us. He came to earth as a man and fulfilled His purpose to ensure that we may live the life that God created us to live … an abundant life full of love and care for one another. By doing what He did, he is “upholding all things just by the word of His power”. Although we know that words are very powerful, the words in scripture are very powerful, the words we speak are very powerful; but it says He is “upholding all things by the word of His power”. So just word of His power is upholding all things.
Think of this way. If there is a rumor going around at work that your boss is going to promote or give a bonus to all employees who are operating according to and wholeheartedly sharing the company’s vision. If you are an employee of the organization, wouldn’t you try to make sure you understand the vision and at the very least try to get in tune with that vision? Your boss may not have told you this himself, this is the word going around the rumor mill. That rumor now has power, right? So that word that is going around, word of your employer’s power is bringing about a change in the work place.
Imagine how much change can take place in the world if we just share the power of Jesus with others. There are so many mysteries revealed in Hebrews and throughout the Bible.
Enjoy this season and remember the price that Jesus paid for us and the power that we possess through Him. He has done it all and He sits at the right of the Majesty on high.
Merry Christmas!

P.S. Code 1-2-1-1-2-1 is December 11, 2021 (12/11/21)

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