Welcome Home


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Welcome! We are delighted that you decided to visit us today as we present our very first blog post.

At Renew360 Properties, we are renovating properties that have gone by the wayside. We are staging properties and getting them ready to sell or maybe just refreshing it a little so the homeowners can continue living there. From time to time, we’ll throw in a random DIY proJect just to spice things up.

And … because most of us spend so much time at work or working in our businesses, we will also share inspirational life lessons. Things we’ve learned along the way, to help us see things more clearly as though we’re peering through a “looking glass”.  As we do with our proJects, so do we with life – we magnify the good so that we can survive and thrive through the not so good.

Just as the tagline says, we want you to take a second look at the properties that you thought had seen better days; take a second look at a piece of furnishing that has been left for dead; and take a second look at life so that you can live it to the fullest.

We are confronting issues that affect happy homes – structurally, cosmetically, aesthetically, and relationally (yep its a real word).  Maybe you don’t like confrontations or maybe you do.  Either way, you are in the right place at the right time. We will do the confronting and together we can do the implementing and renewing.

We’ll be totally transparent here with no judgment.  Scripture in John 8 reads “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone …”  Basically, none of us can judge anyone, because we all have issues.  There may be a few people out there who seem to have it all together, but I would almost bet (if I was a betting person) that there are a couple of things they wish they didn’t have to deal with or could figure out a way to better deal with.  Stay tuned as we delve in.

Okay, I know you’re wondering “What’s all this have to do with me buying or selling my home?”  Actually it has everything to do with it. True enough, the results alone of buying or selling a home, renovating and staging can bring so much joy. They’re all pretty exciting within themselves.  But life can be even better when we deal with our hidden issues and reach across those invisible boundary lines to join in life with the people around us. When we walk into our renewed properties and close the door behind us, we want to be able to proudly look into the mirror with a smile and say to ourselves “day well spent”.

We will discuss those things that seem to hinder your happy home, then find ways to gain or regain the joy that you so desperately need and desire … thru relationships, faith, fashion, health, community, and much more.

Each individual houses their life.  I house my life and you house yours.  Many people drive up to their beautiful homes and walk into hellacious situations hidden from plain view. Others drive up to homes where some would consider less desirable with obvious family dysfunction.  Both must be dealt with.  What if things are going extremely well for you? Where do you fit into the Renew360 picture? We all fit in because we are all here. We all need each other. We can all learn something from someone else, we can all teach something to someone else; but more importantly, we can all love and encourage one another. We are going to confront issues that disrupt our joy.  No longer can we sit idly by while life takes jabs at us and others.  We have to stand up, suit up, and forge forward.  As different as we all, there is so much more that we have in common.

Please join in the discussion.  Let’s take a second look at our lives and this world together.  We want to hear from you.  Please remember to keep it clean so that all eyes can view.

2 thoughts on “Welcome to our Blog!”

  1. My husband and I have done a few “fixer-uppers” and anticipate doing more! He’s for sure the “handy” one, while I get to pick out the finishes and create the little touches. I’m determined to learn more of the construction process as well, however. Thank you for inspiration, I’ll be checking back for more ideas!

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